
I have always wanted to do something huge for myself. Something extraordinary. Something different than anyone else. I just wanna be different and distinctive.

Truthfully speaking, when I was younger, I was seriously an attention seeker. I will purposely create something out of nothing so that the spotlight will be on me. Just me and no one else. I was competitive back than in school. I want people to like me. I want to adore me. I want people to get attracted to me. I lied; I made stories up, just to make people to listen to me so that I can fit in.

I was stupid and naïve. I seriously was.

Mistakes by mistakes I committed, I gain a friend, and I lose 10 of them. All because of my stupidity.

As I grew older, I realized that we can never satisfy everyone. I have to admit, I still want people to like me, but not to the extend of lying, or making something up anymore. I am not the stupid boy I used to be. Now, I prefer to keep out of anyone else’s business and mind my own. I don’t want to simply interfere in others affairs and be a hero to solve the problems or such that. No, I’m not going to do any of that.

Right now, I prefer to just be quiet, and speak whenever I am needed to. I’m teaching myself to do things adequately, rather than aiming for perfection because nothing is perfect in this world and no matter how hard you try, nothing will be. People that I have now in my life as my friends are perhaps the best I have ever had. They brought tears and joy. They colored me well. They helped me to be a better person in ways they have never realized. I know that they will not stay forever in my life but their presence will be remembered.

Being the only child in the family for almost 16 years taught me a lot of things. I wish that I have few more siblings so that the expectations on me won’t be so high, but I guess that would be just a wish. People might think that, being the only child, I would get anything that I want and my parents would give me the fullest attention, but unfortunately, that is just merely a tale. I’m not saying I was not treated well. In fact, I love my life and I am grateful to have such wonderful parents. But as a normal human being, deep inside my heart, there are things I wish I could have and change about my life, but it’s too personal for me to write it here.

Loving is what I have taught myself to do; Forgiving is the ultimate thing I have always told myself to practice, and Learning is what I am going to keep on doing till the last day of my life.

I may not live long in this world to see every single person in my life achieve their dreams, but as long as I live, I want to see myself achieve the dreams I have been dreaming and will help my loved ones to achieve theirs.

Will I ever be the person I have always wanted to be?

I wanna be remembered for the deeds that I have done.
I wanna be remembered for my legacy.

Maybe I’m wishing too hard.

To you my dear, if you are reading this, trust me, this is just another phase in your life. You are hurt and you are down on the ground. I promise, I will try my very best to help you to stand up on your feet back again and be the person you are used to be. But promise me, you will never give up and never look back.

“Barang yang lepas, janganlah dikenang,
Kalau dikenang, meracunlah diri”

To you my friend, if you ever read this, you seem to not care about the past. I adore you for being strong but remember what goes around comes around. You are young, and the road is still long for you. But I will respect you for who you are.

1 Pengkritik Setia:

{ AK } at: 9:49 AM said...

dah besar dah anak bapak...

*sambel tepuk2 bahu adi*

huhu =p