Saved As Draft..Publishing.

I had a conversation with a friend of mine yang dah banyak ceritakan his problems to me. I listened to all his problems and sometimes I tried to give him some solutions, but most of the time I can only listen to it and help him as much as I can. It's not that I don't want to try to solve his problems, but as a friend, I can only give him some advises and comfort him, I don't have any rights to force him to do anything. However, tonight was kinda different. Well, not about his problems, but what he said to me, made me think for a while.

"You're a nice person and someday you'll find your happiness"

Am I really a nice person? Will I ever find my happiness? Honestly, I don't think I'm a nice person. I have done things I shouldn't do. I have been mean to someone else. Really mean. But I dont have any options. Maybe I do, but I just didn't give any care to the options I had. Maybe it is actually because of the reason that, I'm not a nice person after all. Right?
I really need to dig myself. I have to know myself better...hrm.

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