A Blessing In Disguise

People would always think, that life is being unfair when something bad happens to them. That life is not giving them the right thing that would satisfy their needs, without needing them to suffer, to cry or to fall down. But what if, suddenly they get the things that they have been wanting for so long, the things that that have been hoping for, the good things that they have been dying to own? Will they ever think that life is actually being fair to them? For once , maybe? A friend of mine just said to me, maybe, "it must've been a blessing in disguise today". I have been thinking about something that has been bothering me a lot for the past few days. I was afraid of its outcome if I decided to be tell the truth. I might hurt someone else's feelings or maybe my own too. But I kuatkan semangat, to make clear of things. I want to make things better. So it won't bother me anymore. I was so afraid of the reactions that I will be getting. I was so afraid I would lose someone yg I care for. When I wanted to start the conversation, I was stucked. I couldn't let the words out of my heart, my mind. Instead, I cried. Again. But it became better. I was given the chance to say all the things that I been wanting to tell. It was so different than what I have expected. Apparently, he has been thinking about the same things, and realised few things, which made me cry even more. Not because of disappointment, but rasa bersyukur. I didn't expect it to be that way. Only god knows how grateful, thankful I was. At that very moment, I realised that, at last I got to see , to know the other side of him, which I have never seen before, and it makes me feel better, and much more closer to him. We made everything clearer than before and it was like one huge burden telah hilang dari my heart. I thanked him so many times, of things we have agreed upon. At last.Thank you. You will always be in my heart. Thank you so very much. It has been, truly, a blessing in disguise...

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